My friend sent me a cipher with 3 parts (without telling me how to separate the parts. He encrypted each part in a different way, then the whole thing was encrypted again. He says that part 2 is longer than part 3, which in turn is longer than part 1, so 2>3>1. It is in base 10 and it doesn't make sense in any other bases anyway. It should mostly be in English but the last part is a poem, perhaps in German. Weirdly, he also provided this poem from Ready Player One by Ernest Cline:
"Three hidden keys open three secret gates
Wherein the errant will be tested for worthy traits
And those with the skill to survive these straits
Will reach The End where the prize awaits"
-Ernest Cline, Ready Player One
I don't know how to solve it because the text has seemingly random jumbles of alphanumeric characters. Here it is:
I managed to find some patterns in letter location, such as V only appearing in the first half, X only appearing at the end, Y only appearing in the middle, no Z in the entire text etc. I believe this may be some sort of computer encryption, yet I cannot think of any method in base 10 that could have random alphanumeric characters. What kind of cipher is this, and how can I solve it?
The poem is probably not that related. I'm not quite sure what kind of cipher was used, but I believe it is similar to something that already exists. I believe my friend used some sort of cipher similar to computer encryption, but still human-solvable (possibly with the help of online tools, but not requiring an actual program to be written)