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10 votes
1 answer

Coded human body parts

The table gives information about some of the human body parts. The names of the body parts are all coded and the count of those body parts present in a normal human are given. Coded body part Count ...
chandanr777 's user avatar
16 votes
1 answer

Coded country names

Study the following table and answer the question given at the end. Code Country (0100,10) Estonia (0100,010) Andorra (0100,1) Malta (0100,1100) Congo (010,000) Saint Kitts and Nevis Which ...
chandanr777 's user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

Construct a meaningful phrase

If (4, 3, 15) means "I am Liam", then 14 is a feminine name. If (15, 3, 7) means "This is his", then 6 is a way of greeting someone. Construct a meaningful phrase for (8, 7, 9) ...
chandanr777 's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

** and ## operations on countries

Oman is the ** of Romania Andorra is the ** of Andorra Tunisia is the ** of Tunisia Guinea-Bissau is the ** of Guinea-Bissau Haiti is the ## of Lithuania Togo is the ## of Colombia Maldives is the ## ...
chandanr777 's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Coded Formula 1 Champions

This is a list of some of the Formula 1 championship winning drivers in their coded form. The constructors that helped them to win the championship are also coded in the same row. COMPLETE THE TABLE
chandanr777 's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Functions and their Codewords

f(x,y,z) and g(x,y,z) are two functions where x and y both lie in the range [1,24]. Complete the table: Function Codeword f(12,7,9) Guatemala g(12,17,8) Khartoum g(12,21,7) Thimphu f(13,17,8) ...
chandanr777 's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Property of double H

It is the property of double H. It is a symbol of respect. It is attached to a moving thing. Solve for the missing codeword to know the answer. Number Part 1 Part 2 Codeword 1 Sawlog Member ALGEBR1 ...
chandanr777 's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Musical instruments and their codes

Fill the empty cells under ONE, TWO, THREE and FOUR ONE Musical Instrument Code Ektara I5E6 Masenqo TWO Musical Instrument Code Erhu Gunjac C7G6 THREE Musical Instrument Code R6B9 Shamisen ...
chandanr777 's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

A descriptive cake

A 'geezer' walks into a bakery. The man is covered from top to bottom with tattoos - on his face, on his shoulders... even arrow tattoos on his fingers. He has dropped by to hand in a design for a ...
tyui's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

...vs VTE(next to)

What do these letters and numbers below represent? After you've figured that out, replace the three question marks! LXE 329, CIE 266, PNS 260, KPE 141, HCQ 132, LZE 122, FVS 111, DIG 101, VTE 100, ...
Prim3numbah's user avatar
  • 43.7k
6 votes
2 answers

Sukarno's Holocene Extinction Discovery

You are a renowned paleobiologist who travels the world and evaluates recent discoveries. You recently were contracted to fly to Jakarta University and check in with one of their researchers. You ...
Arpeggio's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

The Shifted Music Library

This is a spin-off and heavily inspired by Levieux's puzzle that I enjoyed helping answer/solve. And I've never used ciphers or things like this before so I wanted to learn some new puzzles :) I have ...
n_plum's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

The shifted library

I'm keeping an alphabetically sorted (somehow) collection of books in my library. Unfortunately somebody shifted things around a bit and then deleted some stuff in all of the resulting pairs. Only the ...
Levieux's user avatar
  • 10.5k
56 votes
7 answers

J, KK, LLL, what's next?

What comes next in each of these sequences? $$\begin{array}{align*}\textbf{ 1 }&\text{J, KK, LLL, MZ, A, BO, ?}\\\textbf{ B }&\text{HNAKXR, EERREA, LOGYND, INOPOO, ?}\\\textbf{ C }&\...
Levieux's user avatar
  • 10.5k
47 votes
5 answers

How do I force-quit the program?

My friend has been playing with a program he found. He enters a 5-digit number into the command line and receives another 5-digit number in return. However, after 20 or so entries, he's about done and ...
Bailey M's user avatar
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