This is like the "four four's" puzzle.
The challenge is to represent any integer using $\pi$,$\pi$,$\pi$,$\pi$ (uses $\pi$ exactly $4$ times).
You can use common functions on a calculator:
- Normal arithmetic operations $+ - * /$
- Square root $\surd$
- Exponential $(X^Y)$
- Negative() or minus sign $-$
- Factorial
$\log_{10}$ or $\ln$
Trigonometric functions $\sin, \cos, \tan$
- Parentheses $()$
You cannot use
- Floor() or ceiling () functions
- More than four $\pi$
This is similar to $\pi$ Day puzzle one to twenty, but you are allowed to use logarithms and factorials.
I have written method in the answer section. Is there any more efficient or clever method? Is there a formula using 3 $\pi$'s?
Clarification: I'm looking for creative answers outside of the rules specified above too.
Disclosure: I run the YouTube channel MindYourDecisions and am working on a video. I will credit solutions and link to this thread.