The above picture translates to:
"[speaking to you] Welcome. This puzzle is one [or 'the first'] of many that you will solve [or 'that will be solved by you']. I will not give you the solution to this puzzle; (or ',') you will have to work with others to solve it. [end of section]"
A few notes: (which I will place in a spoiler block in case you want to go into this completely blind)
The empty circle at the beginning (the large one with the two lines coming out is the same thing as the slightly deformed looking circle at the end. The U shape and the two squares inside of it are the same as the U shape and the two squares that are in the crossed off box. The open line and the double line are both intentional.
Given that, what does:
translate to?
This is (I think) quite difficult, so feel free to ask for hints and collaborate with each other.
Hints (new one each unsolved day, with a max of 5): #1
The two squares stacked on top of each other means "puzzle"
The vertical line (|) that spans from top to bottom means "." (period) The double line means "end of section (paragraph, statement, etc)" The line with a break in the middle means "," (comma) and the line that goes inward, then sideways, then outward, and then continues is ":" (colen)
(in most cases) putting a line through something means that it is completed
putting a U shape under something means "this"
A straight horizontal line with a dot in the middle specifies the tense, behind the dot is past tense, on it is present, and past it is future
Give me a good partial answer and I will give you the bounty, so long as no full answers come in.
Here is recreation of the first drawing with straighter lines: