You know those people with 'brilliant' logic that you just can't argue with?
Jackasses have long ears
Carl is a jackass
Therefore, Carl has long ears
Well, here's a puzzle for you guys, because they're fun.
One day, I woke up.
But SUDDENLY as I went outside, there was another ROOM with CONCRETE WALLS
I went back to go to my room and climb out of the window or something, but of course the door slammed behind me.
I found the following -
A bomb with about 56800 seconds left
A light bulb
A door needing a 1 digit passcode, and also saying DO NOT GUESS
A link - A Test Called Failure
Another link - Don't change the settings
There was also a poem
Haha, Alto. I made a perfect puzzle, just in time for school!
And nobody can figure this out for you!
Hackers, coders, computers, and a clinic!
Anyone will give up, in a minute! Tada! ~~~~Jack
And 2 strings:
Here's another silly joke, probably put there to distract you guys:
A cheetah and a lion were racing. The cheetah won. Then, the lion said "YOU CHEETAH!!!", and the cheetah said "YOU LION!!!!" AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Note that a jackass is another name for a donkey, and that 'ahem' JACK laughs too much.
Also, every once in awhile, i'll update the time left in the bomb.
01:50 PM, 22 September 2018 (UTC)