
To get from A to B, requires steps three.

To get from B to A, takes four steps they say.

If C is for the rest, How call it the best?


1 Answer 1


I'm not completely sure of the answer but I think this is related to

Days of the week


First, consider the days of the week sorted alphabetically
A. Friday
B. Monday
C. Saturday
D. Sunday
E. Thursday
F. Tuesday
G. Wednesday

To get from A to B, requires steps three.

The number of days between Friday and the next Monday is three.

To get from B to A, takes four steps they say.

The number of days between Monday and the next Friday is four.

If C is for the rest,

Saturday is the first full day of the weekend

How call it the best?

Saturday is considered by many as the best day of the week for socialising and personal enrichment.

  • $\begingroup$ I'm impressed. It's not entirely correct but you've cracked it. There's a single day that is very specially said to be for rest. Saturday is the first free day in many places but in others, they work 6 days week. However, there's one that is claimed to be non-working (depending on your religious view it may vary, though, hehe). If we go by the Bible, the big guy rested then... :) $\endgroup$ Commented May 6, 2018 at 19:03

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