I thought of this riddle myself. Feedback is appreciated.
My prefix is food.
My suffix is rude.
My infix comes in rounds.
I keep you off the ground.
What am I?
I thought of this riddle myself. Feedback is appreciated.
My prefix is food.
My suffix is rude.
My infix comes in rounds.
I keep you off the ground.
What am I?
I'm pretty sure the answer is
My prefix is food.
My suffix is rude.
My infix comes in rounds.
Rounds of ammo
I keep you off the ground.
That's usually the goal :)
I know the riddle was already answered, but I was thinking of another possible answer:
(Warning, the spoiler tag also contains an obscenity, if you're very sensitive to that sort of thing.)
The esoteric programming language Brainfuck.
My prefix is food.
I'm pretty sure I've heard of cooked animal brains being served as food, either as part of some cuisine, or as exotic food.
My suffix is rude.
The classic four-letter word.
My infix comes in rounds.
"inf" is the mathematical abbreviation of "infimum", which could be used within a mathematical definition of the "rounding" operation (more specifically, in defining either the floor or the ceiling function).
I keep you off the ground.
Being an esoteric programming language, no "grounded" programmer would want to use it for practical problems.
My prefix is food.
Dip is a type of appetizer, e.g., bean dip
My suffix is rude.
Cus, short for cuss
My infix comes in rounds.
A doc, or doctor, comes in while doing their rounds
I keep you off the ground.
All you need is a diplodocus saddle!
Perhaps this isn’t a good answer, but I couldn’t help not to include it. The clues weren’t taken literally to describe the parts of the answer, but instead the process:
A fart
My prefix is food.
Starts as food that gets broken down by bacteria
My suffix is rude.
When it comes out the rear, it’s considered rude
My infix comes in rounds.
Like intestines
I keep you off the ground.
As gas does
With a slightly generous definition of prefix, suffix and infix. (Spoiler tags hide rude language)
My prefix is food.
Cock (slang for chicken)
My suffix is rude.
Cock (is rude)
My infix comes in rounds.
Cock (most men need some time to, uh, recharge before they come again.)
I keep you off the ground.
In bed is off the ground.
I'd say it's
Flatulence. Food precedes flatulence, releasing it near others may be considered rude, the smell alone may be quite offensive, it comes in rounds until eventually you have to go to the bathroom and it keeps you off the ground because the conventional western toilet, you'll sit 14 or 15 inches above the floor, which is where you'll be after a few flatulence cycles.
An answer to this is
My prefix is food.
crud: Another way of spelling curd, the coagulated of milk.
My suffix is rude.
rude: Speaks for itself.
My infix comes in rounds.
rud: The color of a person's skin, especially the face. Faces are round.
I keep you off the ground.
crude: Crude oil comes from underground. If the crude oil reaches ground level, who wouldn't want to get their feet off the ground?
Is the answer:
My prefix is food
App == food,
My suffix is rude
Use is rude (in the sense of taking advantage of someone),
My infix comes in rounds
"la" comes in rounds (as in musical rounds...fa la la la la...)
I keep you off the ground
And what keeps someone in the clouds like a good bit of applause?