If the following are true:
$4+7+2 = 281435$
$7+3+9 = 212781$
$6+2+7 = 121456$
$2+8+5 = 164036$
Then what would the following equal?
$8+4+6\ =\ ?$
Can anybody check my work? I think the answer is:
$8+4+6 = 32 24 72$
Algorithm is -
First 2 digits = Product of 1st and 2nd digits
Next 2 digits = Product of 2nd and 3rd digits
Next digit = Take first digit and add 1 if its prime else subtract 1.
Last digit = Product of 3 numbers. If first digit is odd, keep it as it is else subtract 2.
$4+7+2 = 281435$
$4*7 = 27$
$7*2 = 14$
$4*7*2 = 56 = 5$ (First digit 5 is odd so keep it as it is)
$7+3+9 = 212781$
$7*3 = 21$
$3*9 = 27$
$7+1 = 8$
$7*3*9 = 189 = 1$ (First digit 1 is odd so keep it as it is)
$6+2+7 = 121456$
$6*2 = 12$
$2*7 = 14$
$6-1 = 5$
$6*2*7 = 84 = 8 - 2 = 6$ (First digit 8 is even so subtract 2)
$2+8+5 = 164036$
$2*8 = 16$
$8*5 = 40$
$2+1 = 3$
$2*8*5 = 80 = 8 - 2 = 6$ (First digit 8 is even so subtract 2)
$8*4 = 32$
$4*6 = 24$
$8-1 = 7$
$8*4*6 = 192 = 1$ (First digit 1 is odd so keep it as it is)