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LOOK UP ([def] Use a dictionary to discover the meaning of; LOOK printed UPwards) @Rubio
SCARLET LETTER ([def] stigma; SCARLET(t)[Johannson] + LETTER[character]) @Rubio
(see addt'l notes by @Neil W)
TOKEN ([def] perfunctory; The Lord of the Rings without L and I = Tolkein without L and I = Token) @Piotr Pytlik
ADDENDUM ([def] back bit; ADD[sum] + END + UM[backwards $\large\text{μ}$]) - @Neil W
THE ALEPH ([def] $\Large{א}$; [ddef] "The Aleph," a short story by Argentinian author Jorge Luis Borges in which the titular "Aleph" is a point in space that contains all other points) (thanks @karobar)
Serendipitously, the Brazilian novel Aleph invokes the same concept of the Aleph. @Rubio
A SERIES OF UNFORTUNATE EVENTS ([def] Kids books by L[emony] S[nicket] (né D[aniel] H[andler]); the 3 titles do, indeed, represent a series of unfortunate events) @Ria
THE THEATRE AND ITS DOUBLE, by Antonin Artaud ([def] essay collection that inspired a movement; THE THEATRE x2) @Rubio
EXERCISES IN STYLE, by Raymond Queneau ([def] What the head of the Oulipo movement (Queneau) does to stay fit; EXERCISES[PUSH-up, PULL-up, SIT-up] in STYLE) @Neil W & @ChrisCudmore
GOGOL ([def] designer of Arabesques (a book); Googl(e)[mostly]*[grotesque]) @user2390246
THE MAN WITHOUT QUALITIES ([def] (image); a novel by Modernist author Robert Musil, whose character, assuming he does lack all qualities, defies description) @Neil W
THE CASTLE - Franz Kafka ([def] 0-0 (chess notation for castling); Kafka died before finishing the novel, hence the unfinished name) @user2390246
ORWELL ([double rebus] Composed "MCLVMXXIX improperly" = wrote MCMLXXXIV (1984); OR + WELL[properly] = Orwell) @Neil W
COGITO ERGO SUM ([def] What's certain; COGITO[I think, for Cicero] + ERGO[so] + SUM[+]).
Descartes declared this (trans: I think therefore I am) as the only thing one can be certain of—the fact that one is thinking proves with absolute certainty that one exists). @ChrisCudmore