Start with two digits from $1\dots9$ to form a $2$-digit number.
Multiply this number by a single digit from $1\dots9$.
Add the result to another two digit number from $1\dots9$, and calculate the result.
You can only use each digit once.
In other words:
How can the digits $\, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 \,$
all be assigned to the placeholders $\, a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i \,$
so that $\, ab \times c = fg\,$ and $\, fg + de = hi \,$?
($ab$, $de$, $fg$ and $hi$ are explicit two-digit numbers, not products.)
which multiplied byc
to which is addedfg
giving a final resulthi
, such that each ofa
are unique non-zero digits? $\endgroup$