These titles are obfuscated by science.
429068 89 (110/2)88(31/2)8716
5758936 89 61(13/2)53(60/2)16
Could someone clarify them?
It is a
Periodic Table cipher
And we need to decipher
42 90 68 8 9 (110/2) 88 (31/2) 8 7 16
5759836 8 9 61 (13/2) 53 (60/2) 16
It is deciphered to
Mother of Dragons
'Breackr of chains' which can be written approximately as 'Breaker of Chains'.
And the numbers that are divided by two shows that
If it is 31/2 then 31 decrypts to Ga and as it is divided by two, so we need to consider only one letter out of G and A.