I asked my friend Frank to rank his favorite Stack Exchange sites from 1 (favorite) to 10 (least favorite).
This is the feedback he left, but I got them a little mixed up and don’t know which he actually likes and doesn’t like. He also said the feedback wasn’t truly accurate; for example Spanish Language is actually #5. Can you sort them from one to ten and explain?
No idea what the numbers he gave mean. Some sort of validation, I suppose. They should be pretty close.
Christianity [3]
- Good
Stack Overflow [9]
- Trusted Failsafe
Amateur Radio [17]
- Alphabetically sorted posts have top notch articles. Like!
Spanish Language [21]
- Fun to do, stress causing at random times. Noticing content issues.
Biology [29]
- Had engaging (to me) theory on DNA. Mainly teachers trying to learn science, but some guests and inexperienced posters as well.
Graphic Design [36]
- Makes me bored; not my cup of tea. Ranges from okay to terribly low. I no longer even visit the blog due to the influx of trending posts by avid bloggers. Let’s stay away.
Chemistry [41]
- Overhyped perhaps (or not), generally cheerless tedium, like mathematical numbers. Dry, ill-defined humdrum; boring at once. Arduous bane of mine.
Astronomy [47]
- Some recurring issues, mainly downvoted new users and short thematic articles that jump in topic erratically. Was a turning point where it went sour and a rush of new posts upended it.
Science Fiction & Fantasy [52]
- Epic; grand; real fun. From doomsday material to dragons, strongly regard. No lasting gimmicks like pictures popping up on me. Overall very good about grooming threads, especially on J.R.R.
Earth Science [68]
- Stale and cagey posts outnumber specially cited content, but overall not half bad. Plus more citations and heaps of great titles for those classes of quality readers that have zeal for the latest top craze. Scores of underappreciated users who made it a mine of unending hard facts.