Inspired by four other puzzles, how could it be possible that adding 22 to 4 gives 9999? What is the correct way to do it?
As with all of the other puzzles, consider these numbers in base 10.
Inspired by four other puzzles, how could it be possible that adding 22 to 4 gives 9999? What is the correct way to do it?
As with all of the other puzzles, consider these numbers in base 10.
Just a stab at this. Probably not the answer by a long shot, but might be interesting.
Read "22 to 4" as "Two two to four", which can be also $2$ to $24$. Adding up the numbers from $2$ to $24$ give $299$. Two $99$s concatenated give $9999$.
In the additive cyclic group of integers modulo $9973$ $(\mathbb Z_{9973})$:
$\overline{22}+\overline{4 }=\overline{22+4}=\overline{26}= \overline{9973+26}=\overline{9999}$, where $\overline x$ denotes the equivalence class of $x$.