A is for Lucerne
K is for Jay-Z
M and N are for Panorama
R is for Misery and Enemy
S is for Riddler
Zed is for Radiator
Zee is for Statistics
What is D for?
A is for Lucerne
K is for Jay-Z
M and N are for Panorama
R is for Misery and Enemy
S is for Riddler
Zed is for Radiator
Zee is for Statistics
What is D for?
I think I have at least a partial answer. The letters are
Greek letters, or rather the Greek letters corresponding to the given Latin ones.
Their relationship with the words is that
their names rhyme with synonyms of the given expressions.
Alpha rhymes with alfalfa (the plant lucerne)
Kappa rhymes with rapper (Jay Z)
Mu and Nu rhyme with view (panorama)
Rho rhymes with woe and foe (misery and enemy)
Sigma rhymes with enigma (riddler)
Zeta (ZEE-tah) rhymes with heater (radiator)
Zeta (ZAY-tah) rhymes with data (statistics)
The difference between the two names of Zed and Zee reflects
the different pronunciation of "Zeta" in Britain and in America.
A shot at a solution:
I haven't found any relation between the letters and the prefixes to the rhymes or any overarching theme to the words. In my opinion, a letter can stand for many things, as in R above, and several letters can stand for one thing, as with M and N. (There are many letters rhyming with Zeta in the Greek alphabet.) So I pick one, maybe:
D is for Sanctuary.
But there may be well more to it that I have missed, so feel free to add and edit.