Four rows of numbers:
1234567890 5916708234 192345678 ???
Fill in the last row with the appropriate digits (not necessarily 3, even though there are 3 '?'s). Please explain your answer.
I'm in an English-speaking country.
Four rows of numbers:
1234567890 5916708234 192345678 ???
Fill in the last row with the appropriate digits (not necessarily 3, even though there are 3 '?'s). Please explain your answer.
I'm in an English-speaking country.
Shouldn't the first row be this:
My answer:
The digits correspond to the standard qwerty keyboard layout (restricted to alphanumeric characters). Each digit describes the corresponding character's alphabetical (or ASCII) order within its row (modulo 10).
Based on what egmont said (credits to him for the solution), the answer is
Take a qwerty keyboard and consider the english letters and numbers. First line is 1234567890. Second line is qwertyuiop, if you sort it eiopqrtuwy. As you see, q is the 5th letter in eiopqrtuwy, w is the 9th, e is 1st and so on, we get 5916708234. If we do the same for the last line, we get 7625143. Also, there's no contradiction in the first line, as he couldn't write 12345678910 (ugly, don't you think?) Also, no need for modulo 10.
Disclaimer: I wrote this answer because felt that egmont's answer, even though correct, wasn't very easy to understand.