This puzzle is part of the Puzzling Stack Exchange Advent Calendar 2024. The accepted answer to this question will be awarded a bounty worth 50 reputation.
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- Keeping the sound of a clock within chant. (8)
- Rudely slam junior reporter's work. (10)
- Like the pax joining travellers to North America. (6)
- Setter's inwardly fine following sierra mountains' name. (5)
- Special one turns grasses around. (4)
- Disentangle a bit of a flop. (4)
- Setter's taken by car splitter. (5)
- Sport with curry. (4)
- What word goes in the place of the question mark?
- EXTRA CREDIT: Why did I choose today for this puzzle?
In my clues, I've used "setter's" in two different grammatical senses.
I was having a rabbit with my china. They said "The Barney with your last Scooby is that if a septic has a butchers, they'll be scratching their loaf". Also the final answer is not CAKE.