You are in a room tied to a chair. The devil tells you that he is gonna ask two groups of 1000 "people" a question and then he will ask you something. If you answer correctly you go to heaven, else you go to hell.
He steps back a bit and a dirty man pops into the space to the devils left side out of thin air. He looks scared and is crying, his clothes are dirty and just look like rags like from middle ages. From the best of your knowledge he could be from the middle ages. The devil tells the man that he has to guess a number between 1 and 32 (including both) and that he has 5 tries. After every guess he will know if the guessed number was bigger or smaller than the one the devil had in mind. If he answers correctly he can go to heaven, if not he goes to hell. The man cries and says that he barely knows someone who can count to 5. The devil doesn't care.
Suddenly a glass barrier is erupted between you and the devil; you can't hear anything but you can still see what's going on. After the man opened his mouth for the fifth time a trap door opens and he falls down into the fiery depths.
The glass barrier disappears and the devil summons a half robot half human looking thing to his right side. The robot/human doesn't indicate that he feels anything or is scared. The devil asks him again the same question. The robot says that its impossible to answer this correctly he also adds that he is a deterministic being and doesn't like using randomness. Again the devil doesn't care.
The glass barrier is erupted again. After the robots speaker lights up for the fifth time, he is also thrown down into hell.
This procedure goes until 1000 peasants and 1000 robots have come through. You counted all the results and came to the surprising result that around 50% of the peasants and robots actually went to heaven! You also counted the number of guesses it took the candidates if they got the correct number. For the peasants it was completely random, 20% chance that they succeeded on the first guess, 20% on the second etc... The robots, on the other hand, guessed correctly only at the third, fourth, or fifth guess; never sooner.
Now the devil comes over to you and asks you: "If you add up all the numbers I chose, without duplicates, what do you get?"
Some clarifications:
- Around 50% of the peasants survived and around 50% of the robots survived
- For the sake of clarifying things, the devil choose a different number then the one before after each person (he can still choose 1,2,1,2 etc., just different from the one before)
- The devil didn't say he is gonna choose a number at random, he follows a system obviously
- It's not 448
- The peasants don't know the number 32 even though they just heard it
- The peasants always count from 1 to 5
500 times and the number5
500 times, then the sum without duplicates would be 11? $\endgroup$