At the carnival, I stroll towards the beer garden when one of the games caught my eye. It has a board with the numbers 1 through 9 laid out in a row. When I ask about it, the game owner ticks off the rules:
We take turns placing money on one of the numbers, with me going first. I will place 1-dollar bills, he will place 5-dollar bills. Each number can be used only once. If I hit on three numbers adding up to 15 before the owner, I take all the money on the board winning his 5-dollar bills. If he gets 15 first, he gets all the money and I lose my 1-dollar bills. If neither succeeds, all money is returned.
I am suspicious of the odds, but I tactfully accept as I think about what secrets he has in tow to avoid losing all that money. Perhaps he is hiding something by laying the numbers out in a row rather than a 3×3 square.
If I suspect he never loses, how should I play to at least force a tie?
Bonus: The owner makes me an offer: If I let him go first so he gets five numbers and I get only four, he will give me 2 dollars for a tie. Should I take him up on this offer?
There are hidden hints in the problem statement, a favorite tactic of mine.