
This is part of the Name That Iconic Character! series.

Using the clues provided below, can you figure out what iconic character I'm thinking of?

Your clues:


Answer format: ________ ________

Hints will be added if nobody is able to make progress. Good luck!

  • $\begingroup$ Running JS (from that dialect with profanity), I got rot13(Cbvfba nccyrf, cbvfba jbezf.) The first part implies rot13(Fabj Juvgr), but I'm not sure about the second. $\endgroup$
    – Someone
    Commented Jan 3 at 15:51

1 Answer 1


Running the code as JS, we get the following sentence:

Poison apples, poison worms.

This is a sentence that

kids hear from Mr Benedict, creator of the The Mysterious Benedict Society in the book series written by Trenton Lee Stewart.

So I think the Iconic Character is

Nicholas Benedict.


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