I want the community's feedback on a puzzle I am considering creating.
If your answer is real short, a comment is fine. Otherwise, please leave a real answer.
Let's say the solver is given, as one of the earlier stages in a puzzle, many sets of two words that need to be linked together. One set, for example, might be
iron ______ ______ spray
and one needs to figure out the linking words as follows:
iron stomach bug spray
where "iron stomach", "stomach bug", and "bug spray" are all known things.
I'm strongly considering including a check sum for both answer confirmation and also to prevent (hopefully) the solver from attempting to move to the next stage with an answer that isn't the intended answer, but that might also fit (however unlikely).
For the example above, the check sum would look like this:
iron stomach bug spray check sums: 27, 9
where 27 is the sum of the A1Z26 values for the first and last letter of the expected answer:
For "stomach", s(19) + h(8) is 27, and for "bug", b(2) + g(7) is 9.
It's exceedingly unlikely that an unintended answer would pass the check sum also.
The question:
Is this desirable? Is it helpful? Too helpful? Annoying? Overkill? Not enough? Other suggestions or ideas are welcome.