
Once upon a time, on going to the small park nearby to take some fresh air, I met four quite peculiar brothers and had a talk with them. Each had a different story to tell.

The first two brothers were racers, and had also ran in the same competition. They both were excellent runners, one came 2nd and the other came 4th. The first brother says, "I can defeat my brother only as I have double power than him, this will be evident from the fact when we will grow up 10 years older." The 2nd brother hesitates and says, "Actually, he is correct. But our heights will be the same".

Next I had a talk with the next two brothers. They had also raced in the same competition as the first two brothers, and not being good racers, they only came 16th and 17th in the competition. The 3rd brother says, "it doesn't matter why you are asking about our racing, you can compare with our other work. I am a good traveller, and so I can arrive at any place anyone asks me to go to" .

I had a talk with the fourth brother. He always looked sad, and he said "I am the youngest of the brothers, and people always hate me. I fail to speak English as I got no books, and none of my brothers has a place for me. I don't even have a girlfriend, whereas all my other brothers do. My third brother always gives me a place beside me, but that's all." Also the 2nd Brother has the most popular girlfriend in the town.

Very Peculiar Brothers. I also noticed something strange, although the brothers are the same height :-
The First Brother's Left Hand is longer than the others.
The Second Brother's Right Hand is longer than the others.
The Third Brother's Left Leg is longer than the others.
The Fourth Brother's Right Leg is longer than the others.

Given this information, can you find the names of these four brothers?


1 Answer 1


I think the four brothers are

The letters b, d, p and q

The positions in the competition represent

The respective positions of the letters in the alphabet

The hands and legs refer to

The lines extending from the circle in the lower case letters above and below the lines. The extensions upwards on the b and d are referred to as "hands" while downwards on the p and q are referred to as "legs".

I can defeat my brother only as I have double power than him, this will be evident from the fact when we will grow up 10 years older." The 2nd brother hesitates and says, "Actually, he is correct. But our heights will be the same".

This refers to the capitalisation of B and D. B has double the bumps but both letters are the same height.

I think GirlFriends refer to

Adjacent vowels. b has a, d has e (the most popular) and p has o but q doesn't have one.

it doesn't matter why you are asking about our racing, you can compare with our other works. I am a good traveller, and so I can arrive at any place whoever asks me to go to

This line I'm unsure about but it could be that P represents "Parking" and so you see it a lot travelling or it could simply be that p is the first letter of place.

As suggested by Stiv, it could be that the letter p can appear at the beginning middle or end of various words, unlike q.

  • $\begingroup$ Well done, you got there just before me - was going to post my answer anyway as I had explained the girlfriends already, but you've just edited in so I'll discard mine and give you the +1 instead! $\endgroup$
    – Stiv
    Commented Jan 15, 2021 at 12:10
  • $\begingroup$ @Stiv Thanks, I hit post before I realised that I had yet to explain the girlfriends. $\endgroup$
    – hexomino
    Commented Jan 15, 2021 at 12:11
  • $\begingroup$ Re the 'good traveller' I was also unsure but my explanation involved the idea that rot13('C' pna nccrne ng gur fgneg, zvqqyr naq raq bs ybgf bs jbeqf, whfg yvxr O naq Q; ohg D pnaabg obnfg guvf rfcrpvnyyl fvapr abg znal jbeqf raq va n D...) $\endgroup$
    – Stiv
    Commented Jan 15, 2021 at 12:13
  • $\begingroup$ @Stiv Ah, that might be a better explanation actually. $\endgroup$
    – hexomino
    Commented Jan 15, 2021 at 12:14
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Also, 'none of my brothers has a place for me' may be related to how rot13(D vf nyzbfg arire pbafrphgvir jvgu O, Q be C va na Ratyvfu jbeq). Although there's lots of dressing in the story so it's hard to know exactly what needs explaining and what's just fluff! :) $\endgroup$
    – Stiv
    Commented Jan 15, 2021 at 12:16

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