To start the riddle
We are fourteen brothers
There might be more of us
But we haven't found the others
Our first brother isn't metallic
But he has visited the stars
Our second swims very well
And drives electric cars
The third of us lived in your stationery
Yet he can be much more precious
Our fourth brother is rather bright
Also, he's the least moodiest
Our fifth brother always carries a lamp
And he helps plants grow
Our sixth likes going to Norway and Sweden
Or Denmark? I don't know.
Next, our seventh is a man of steel
Twentieth dollar? That's easy
The eight brother is similar with our fourth
Yet he really likes photography
You barely can meet our shy ninth brother
Well maybe, he's the richest of all
Our tenth brother thinks he's Roman
And also, he's the most punctual
Our twelfth brother sells jewellery
Naturally, he gets lots of attention
Our last brother only lives for a day
A city in Russia he often mention
Realize two of us are missing?
Well, we know them very little
It's your job to find out their names
And therefore, you've solved the riddle!
These guys follows two things.