How many times, at most, can the “X” tile be used to form new words in one game of Scrabble? Show the resulting board, and provide a list of each new word formed, in the order played.
For example, in the resulting board below, the “X” can be used three times by adding one or two letters during each play to form these new words: OX, POX, and EPOXy. (The lower case “y” indicates a blank tile was used for “Y”. This is just for illustration, since an actual “Y” tile is still available to be used.)
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| EPOXy |
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Use an English language 15 x 15 Scrabble board and letter tiles.
Only legal Scrabble words may be formed on each play, and words can be checked at Bluff (phony) words are not permitted.
There is one “X” tile in Scrabble, worth 8 points. The number of times you “use the ‘X’ tile” means you count the number of times the “X” tile contributes 8 (or more) points to the score of any new word you play. Scoring is otherwise irrelevant to this puzzle, and bonus squares do not affect the outcome, so an "X" tile counts at most once per new word played. Blank tiles may be used, but if a blank tile is used as an “X”, then it does not count as using an “X” tile.
You can pick any tiles from the bag (you’re not drawing at random), you should achieve the desired result in the fewest plays possible, and you should stop making plays when you’ve achieved your highest possible “X” word count. This will keep the resulting board reasonably simple.
You must follow all other Scrabble rules, including: The first play of the game must cover the center (star) square. You cannot exceed the standard “Scrabble tile letter distribution” (shown at
I believe there is just one set of “X” words that leads to the highest possible count, and finding that set of “X” words is the main challenge here. If there are multiple ways to form a board with that set of “X” words, then I will accept the first valid solution posted.