I plan to develop a simple fun puzzle app and install it on my wife's phone to play with it, as her birthday gift.
The puzzle should be very simple, as I don't have much extra time to spend on its development. Ideally, the app should consist of simple widgets like buttons, images, texts ...
So far, I have this in mind which is like the word puzzle in Wheel of Fortune:
- A random word is taken out of dictionary
- A blank space is shown for each word letter. All letters are hidden at this point
- User (wife) guesses the word letters by pressing on an alphabet table
- If the pressed letter is in word, the corresponding word letters are shown
- At some point, if user wants to guess the whole word, user can type the guess in a text field
- Depending upon how fast user can guess the word, user gets coins/scores
- Next random word is taken out of dictionary and the game cycle repeats
But this idea is not unique. I wonder if somebody can suggest ideas which are more unique or exotic. Thanks.