Use exactly seven 4s in every expression and no other digits/numbers.
Choose from among addition, subtraction, division, and/or multiplication operations.
You may use parentheses, brackets, and/or braces for grouping and/or multiplication, as needed.
This is in base ten. (The numbers using the fours and 100 on the other side of the equals sign are in base 10.)
You may not use decimal points.
No concatenation is allowed.
You may not use factorial signs.
You may not use square roots.
You may not use exponentiation.
No other characters or operations may be used.
Note: Expressions with forms of A + B and B + A will be considered the same, as will be -A + B with B - A, and A(B) with B(A), and A(B) + C with C + A(B), etc.
Create a minimum of six essentially different solutions based on the note above.
and demand at least 7 different solutions. $\endgroup$