On Crossfield Housing Estate, there are exactly $100$ homes numbered from $1$ to $100$. Rook is living in one of them. Kaito hasn't met with him for a long time and wants to pay a visit. Here is some transcripts of their call.
Rook : ".. Haha.. Yep, it's been a while.. You are welcomed to visit my home tomorrow."
Kaito : "Seriously? Alright I'll come tomorrow morning! But.. I guess I forgot which number is your house, ahaha."
Rook : "Well, in that case, let's play a puzzle!"Kaito : "Hmm.. Is the number more than $50$?"
Rook answers with either yes or no.
Kaito : "Is it a square number?"
Rook answers with either yes or no.
Kaito : "Hmm.. Is it an odd number?"
Rook answers with either yes or no.Kaito : "Is the number.."
Rook: "Hey, hey, enough, haha."
Kaito : "Huh? I'm still clueless Rook.."
Rook : "Haha, I thought you still remember that Freecell is also living in this estate and you know his number. All of these information will be perfect for you to figure out my number."
Kaito : "Oh! I remember now! I remember his home number and it must be greater than yours, right?"
Rook : "Haha, I know you will get it! See you, I'll prepare a nice breakfast for you if you want."
Kaito : "Yosh! Thanks and see you too!"
So on which number is the Rook's home?