My prefix is called out after,
The first that passes forty from ties.
My suffix might be the laughter,
When mother's ghost discerns no cries.
My infix is a way of air,
Releasing a way of strong emotion.
The tin boy experienced my fare,
From cities, to the moon, by desert and ocean.
What am I?
It is not $100\%$ a Riley Riddle, but I like to be original. Also, there is a clue in the title, as well as some truth — I mean, this riddle should be harder than the usual difficulty I set for my riddles...
...okay I will give out just one hint: the answer has $9$ letters.
I showed my friend this riddle and he said that the riddle was too hard, thus I am going to provide a hint for him so when he is active, he can see it.
My suffix is always honest,
If only you switched the central pair.
My name is told and promised,
If only you riskily travelled somewhere.
The tin boy experienced my infix's fare
. $\endgroup$