Riddle me this:
My prefix, discovered ahead.
My suffix had started instead.
My infix may point with a role.
I am cloaked by a joint super soul.
For example, a vampire flies one.
He is bold, despite a lonely son.
From a cave, he will free but requite.
He is brave, wearing me like a knight.
It is told that a joke proves to kill,
Unless saved by a stroke of good will;
Though compare me to that of a mask,
And to wear me will combat the task.
What am I?
What is the answer to the Riley Riddle?
Who is he?
What is the task?
This will be my final Riley Riddle now because I want to get back at "normal" riddles. Yes, I say this a lot, but (I think) I mean it this time. The Riley rises.