I am trying to solve a riddle where someone has hidden information in a piece of text. The riddle is composed of 4 paragraphs of otherwise normal text (plain english, contents look fine, there are no spelling mistakes, no words with weird capitals... ). I am also almost sure that there is no steganography involved (and it is definitely no a prank).
After trying a lot of things, the only unusual thing that I have spotted are the lengths (number of words) of each of the paragraphs: 16 words, 32 words, 24 words and 8 words. And something tells me that this may not be due to chance.
This may be a really long shot, but still... Has anyone seen anything similar before? If you were to create a puzzle to hide a small sentence/word within a short text, would you use the number of words per paragraphs as a clue? If so, can you provide examples?