Hi everyone, solve this riddle:
I have three friends, they're all little...
another world is where they live,
wherein there can be no eclipse.
My closest friend is the first one,
always follows me every day...
Though he's not coloured black and white,
I call him "Felix" anyway.
My second friend is much distinct,
he looks otherworldly and strange...
If you assemble him, first think,
once he is formed, back he can't change.
My third friend, so much has she changed...
A beautiful healer she was,
but her powers have much mutated,
and now in father's house she is.
You might be confused, what to seek...
To solve this, my words you must heed:
Get to know my friends well and think;
a primal sum is what you need.
Hint 1
My second friend has many kids,
hatched from eggs rock-encrusted...
Any three of them you will need,
with them he can be "assembled".
Hint 2
My third friend, she was very quick,
when someone called, she'd work at once...
But now she always waits a tick,
I'm worried her work someone cuts.
Hint 3 (continued from Hint 2)
She can heal still, but changed it has...
Back then it very simple was,
But now it more progressive is...
Many people like her more thus.