Well, that calculator looked like an ordinary one when I saw it in the shop, but it behaves most extraordinarily! I tried using the +
and *
keys on small integers, but the results I got were totally wrong and usually decidedly non-integer. However, there does seem to be some method in its madness. Its results are never negative and always fairly small. Provided that it doesn't display Error
-- which it does in many cases, unfortunately.
Whatever these operations are that the +
and *
keys do, they behave in some ways like $+$ and $*$. If I denote them by $\oplus$ and $\otimes$, then, for any $a, b, c$:
$a\oplus b=b\oplus a \\ (a\oplus b)\oplus c=a\oplus(b\oplus c) \\ a\otimes b=b\otimes a \\ (a\otimes b)\otimes c=a\otimes(b\otimes c) \\ a\otimes (b\oplus c)=(a\otimes b)\oplus(a\otimes c)$
That is, $\oplus$ and $\otimes$ are commutative and associative, and $\otimes$ is distributive over $\oplus$.
$10$ has this simple property: for any $a$, $10\otimes a=a$.
Hint 1:
Each other number $a$, as entered on the keypad or displayed, has an internal equivalent $f(a)$. Whenever $f(a)+f(b)=f(c)$, $a\oplus b=c$, and whenever $f(a)*f(b)=f(c)$, $a\otimes b=c$. The image or range of $f$ is a field.
I also found this curious relationship between $\oplus$ and $\otimes$:
$a\otimes b=s\oplus d$
where $s$ and $d$ are the sum and difference of $a$ and $b$, found, I hasten to add, by using ordinary arithmetic, not by using the +
Occasionally it produces an integer. What integers are these values? In each case, give the lowest possible.
- $13\oplus 7$
- $z$ where, for all $a$, $a\oplus z=a$ and $z\otimes a=z$
- $24\otimes 14\otimes 7\otimes 6$
- $14\otimes 6\otimes 4\otimes 3$
- $13\otimes 12\otimes 11$
- $\sqrt{10\oplus 10\oplus 10}$
And what's the hint in them taken collectively?
for the multiply symbol. I wonder if this SE supports the key format? <kbd>+</kbd>? $\endgroup$