After a man broke up with his girlfriend, he hid the details in a song.
Now she's come back, this time with a hidden message of her own.
hi eVan
look i waNna cHAnge tHiNgs between us just mE and you eVan
thiNgs may sEem baD but I know yOu and i can get through this sTuff oK?
mY old lieS are tHE texts shown here:
i'M nOt coming tonigHt, i'M feeling sick.sorRy i misseD tonigHt, i rEAlly feel tErriBle. i have a headacHe and i rEally think yOu shouldn't come over toniGhthey dONT botHer coming wIth aNYtHing for tHe party toNight, lAura had to take care oF sOme stuff at heR placecan yOU uNderstand? i'm sorry.
Evan asked her:
What's with the capitalization?
His ex replied:
Oh that's part of the encrypted message, since I know you're a Puzzling.SE member :) It was supposed to be different, but the program had- ah, what's that error programmers talk about all the time? Not the semicolon thing, but something else...
Yeah, OK. What are you trying to say?
Well, there's a song I've hidden in my message... it's what I'm asking of you.
And why should I trust you?
Look, just find the song, OK?
Then he found the song.
This... this is what you want me to do?
All right... meet me for coffee, we can talk there.
Everything worked out well.
But there's one thing that still bothers me:
What song did she use to get him to talk to her?