Below is a word search puzzle presented without clues. Instead, you must use the additional rules (see example below) to work out what the words are. Finally, as a check to make sure you found the right words, the first letters of each word can be rearranged to make one last, related word.
This is the fifth and final puzzle in a series. Here's the first, second, third and fourth. I'll be a bit surprised if this one is solvable without hints.
- The words can run in any direction (orthogonal or diagonal) and do not have to be in straight lines
- Words do not overlap and their paths do not cross
- All letters are part of some word
- All words are of the same length
- All words (including the final word) are related somehow
- All words (including the final word) have an English Wikipedia page, even if they are not English themselves
- The letters that make up the final word do not appear in any specific location on the grid
Here's a short example.
The four words here are PONY, EMUS, TOAD and SWAN, which are all animals, and the first letter of each makes the word PETS.
What is the final word to be found in this grid of letters?
All the words are taken from one Wikipedia list page