isn't used mathematically in this puzzle. ()
means that whatever is inside should be evaluated in the most suitable and appropriate way. nvo(A or B)
means the initial numerical value of A
or B
Two numbers were frustrated with each other. They fought, and the injured parts separated and became new numbers. The first and smaller number, A
, swallowed 10/(5(",")00) of B
, the second and bigger number (A
becomes a larger number and B
becomes smaller; 'of' doesn't mean any fraction; just simple addition and subtraction). This was how the war began. B
couldn't digest what happened and threw poisonous dots at A
, but those dots merged with A
, and A
grew to become just like B
. B
was confused, as A
had equalled B
Out of agony, B
wisely bit and swallowed A
just a little, fearing that its own teeth would betray it, but it was happy to see itself bigger and A
smaller. B
had swallowed ((nvo(B)
) - ((final value of A
) + (✌))).
If, in the end, A
and B
become friends and merge, their numerical value as a whole would be 1
lesser than my current age.
What were (the numerical values of) A
and B
, and what did they finally become? Rewrite the story with the numerical values.
and B
kept quarrelling and formed the number system we know today, using different techniques to attack, which accidentally created too many A
s and B
s with unique values.
You might not need a calculator.