Behold, the mystical Tree of B:
Notice that every path from trunk to canopy forms a word. You should see 16 words (from left to right: BLOOM, BLOOD, BLOWN, BLOWS, BLAND, BLANK, BLASÉ, BLAST, BROOK, BROOM, BROWN, BROWS, BRAID, BRAIN, BRASH, BRASS).
Once upon a time, the Tree of B had a sister tree, the Tree of C. Tragically, the Tree of C was chopped down by a horde of hideous hobgoblins. Here are her remains:
Legend has it that whoever reassembles the Tree of C will be blessed with untold riches.
Text version:
The stump shows the letter C
The piled wood shows the following letters:
A, A, A, D, E, E, E, E, E, E, H, H, K, K, K, K, M, M, M, N, R, R, R, S, S, S, S, S, T, T
drona drony drool droop dried drier drink drinn donum donut donee doney dorab doria dorts dorty