What I'm going to describe is a rather gung-ho strategy which, frankly, shoudn't work, but to my surprise hasn't failed a single time in all of 100,000 trials I performed.
It finds the secret pattern after
or fewer trials.
number of trials out of 100,000 where there was a given number of compatible patterns after two tests.
number of annealing steps required for trials with high numbers of compatible patterns after two tests.
As pattern space is vast this doesn't rule out that there are worst case patterns defeating the strategy.
The first two test patterns can---as found by trial and error---be chosen
to be
In particular, the second probing does not use any knowledge gained by the first.
The heuristics that went into the design of these patterns are that each pixel have 4 or 5 colours in the same row or column and access to one double colour in its row and in its column. Also patterns 1 and 2 should be as complementary as possible.
We can essentially by brute force find all patterns compatible with the scores (black and white pins) we received. Occasionally (~4%), there will be only one such pattern which then must be the solution, but typically it will be between a handful and few thousand (see chart) in which case we can tailor a third diagnostic pattern that separates all of them. I'm using a poor-man's simulated annealing (at least that's what I think I do) to find those third patterns and it works rather well.
Below is my Python code for those who would like to explore themselves:
import itertools as it
import numpy as np
# parameters
N,K = 6,4 # number of colours, number of spots
N_g = 100000 # total number of games to play
N_ann = 1000 # maximum number of annealing steps
N_rs = 1000 # maximum number of annealing restarts
# convention: we'll have to use K-dimensional and flat indexing side-by-side
# to minimise confusion we'll label _KD and _FL to indi
# precompute and tabulate stuff we will be need for gazillions of iterations
# (mostly ap_FL)
# for each pattern of K pins count how often each colour occurs
# (this is similar to numpy's bincount operation; hence the name bc_*)
# this is a K -> N dimensional map;
# therefore a full table will have dimensions N^{K+1}
bc_KD = np.zeros((K+1)*(N,),np.uint8)
for i in range(K):
# use einsum to access multidimensional diagonals
np.einsum("i...i->...i",bc_KD.swapaxes(0,i))[...] += 1
bc_FL = bc_KD.reshape(-1,N)
# for each pair of patterns of K pins compute "bp", the number of black pins
# this map is 2K -> 1 dimensional; full table size N^{2k}
bp_KD = np.zeros(2*K*(N,),np.uint8)
for i in range(K):
bp_KD0 = bp_KD.swapaxes(0,i)
bp_KD0 = bp_KD0.swapaxes(1,i+K)
np.einsum("ii...->i...",bp_KD0)[...] += 1
bp_FL = bp_KD.reshape(N**K,N**K)
# for each pair of patterns of K pins compute "tp", the total number of
# (black and white) pins
# this map is 2K -> 1 dimensional; full table size N^{2k}
tp_FL = np.minimum(bc_FL[:,None,:],bc_FL[None,:,:]).sum(-1)
# "to speed up later lookups encode white and black pin counts into a single
# integer "pp", "packed pins"
pp_FL = ((tp_FL*(tp_FL+1))>>1) + bp_FL
pp_KD = pp_FL.reshape(2*K*(N,))
# the total number of possible packed pin scores
# (note that for simplicity we do not use the fact that (K-1) x b + 1 x w
# is impossible)
# for a single row or column ...
n_pp = ((K+2)*(K+1))>>1
# ... for K rows or columns
N_pp = (n_pp)**K
# we'll also need some workspace
# this allocates 4 GB
ws = np.empty(1<<30,np.uint32)
del bc_KD,bc_FL,bp_KD,bp_FL
rng = np.random.default_rng()
# it is sometimes convenient to flatten N x N x ... x N (K factors) colour
# space coordinates into single integers. A K x K 2d pattern then still
# comprises K integers The following function computes the transpose.
def TKK(A):
return np.ravel_multi_index((*np.transpose(
# given a list A of test patterns and the scores S (ST) for all rows (columns)
# compute all compatible patterns i.e. patterns that would yield the same
# scores when tested
# this is done by looking up all candidate rows and columns and then joining
# them discarding every combination that doesn't satisfy the constraint that
# row and column entries must agree at intersection points
# to minimise combinatorial explosion we alternate iterating over rows and
# columns, that way the constraint kicks in as early as possible
# this gives a dramatic speedup, well worth the overhead
# recursive function and ...
def _compat(CAR_KD,CAC_KD,selR_KD,selC_KD,n,m):
# iterate over nth row immediately filtering out all candidates that are
# not compatible with the columns already selected
for selR_KD[n] in CAR_KD[n][(CAR_KD[n][:,:m]==selC_KD[:m,n]).all(1)]:
if m == K:
yield selC_KD.copy()
else: # recurse, swapping the roles of rows and columns
yield from _compat(CAC_KD,CAR_KD,selC_KD,selR_KD,m,n+1)
# ... public entry point
def compat(A,SR,SC):
# allocate row and colmun slections
selR_KD,selC_KD = np.zeros((K,K),np.uint8),np.zeros((K,K),np.uint8)
AT = [TKK(a) for a in A]
# look up compatible rows and columns using the precomputed table
CAR_FL = [np.all([(pp_FL[a[i]] == s[i])
for a,s in zip(A,SR)],axis=0).nonzero()[0]
for i in range(K)]
CAC_FL = [np.all([(pp_FL[a[i]] == s[i])
for a,s in zip(AT,SC)],axis=0).nonzero()[0]
for i in range(K)]
CAR_KD = [np.transpose(np.unravel_index(c,K*(N,))) for c in CAR_FL]
CAC_KD = [np.transpose(np.unravel_index(c,K*(N,))) for c in CAC_FL]
yield from map(np.ravel_multi_index,_compat(
# given a list A of patterns and a test pattern B determine whether B separates
# A, i.e. whether each pattern in A scores differently against B
# this is the single most expensive operation
# to speed it up we use an arcane numpy feature
# when using advanced assignment with an index that contains duplicates while
# the data assigned do not then after reextraction using the same index
# the resulting vector will have the same number of elements as the original
# vectors but each group of elements that went through the same index value
# will all have been mapped to a single one of their original values the others
# being lost; which of the values is the one to be retained is undocumented
# for this trick to work we need an address space of size detemined by the
# largest possible index number
# in our case indices are full sets of scores; encoding each row and column
# independently this requires N_pp^2 x 2 x log2(N_pp) / 3 bytes of buffer
# we can, however make a small saving by using the fact that the total
# number of black pins must be the same over all rows and over all columns
# as an ugly but efficient optimisation allow transposes to be computed outside
# the function so it has to be done only once
def separates(B,BT,A,AT):
NA = len(A)
R = np.ravel_multi_index((*pp_FL[A,B].T,*pp_FL[AT,BT].T[:3],
tp_FL[AT,BT].T[3]),(2*K-1)*(n_pp,) + (K+1,))
ws[R] = np.arange(NA)
coll, = (ws[R] != np.arange(NA)).nonzero()
return len(coll)
# this loop finds the third test pattern using biased random updates
def anneal(SR,SC,comp2):
comp2T = np.array(TKK(comp2))
# lowest number of collisions achieved so far
low = N_pp**2
# corresponding third test pattern
XR = np.zeros((K,K),np.uint8)
# annealing schedule; surely there is room for improvement
for t,T in enumerate(np.exp(-np.linspace(0,3,N_ann))):
# (candidate for) new third
NXR = XR.copy()
# randomize a random subset of pixels according to schedule
upd = rng.uniform(0,1,size=(K,K)) < T
NXR[upd] = (NXR[upd] + rng.integers(1,N,size=np.count_nonzero(upd),
dtype=np.uint8)) % N
# compress
NX = np.array(np.ravel_multi_index((*NXR.T,),K*(N,)))
NXT = np.array(np.ravel_multi_index((*NXR,),K*(N,)))
# check separation
code = separates(NX,NXT,comp2,comp2T)
if not code: # solution found
return True,t,XR
elif code < low: # improved but still insufficient third
low = code
return False,t,XR
# hand crafted diagnostic patterns
AR = np.array([[[0,0,2,3],
# compress
A = np.ravel_multi_index((*AR.transpose(1,0,2),),K*(N,))
AT = np.ravel_multi_index((*AR.transpose(2,0,1),),K*(N,))
# place specific patterns you want to test in this list,
# they will be used before switching to random patterns
B_spec = np.empty((0,4,4),dtype=np.uint8)
# B_spec = [np.array([[4,1,5,0],
# [5,0,5,1],
# [5,4,1,4],
# [0,2,2,3]],dtype=np.uint8),
# np.array([[5,0,4,0],
# [4,1,1,4],
# [2,4,3,1],
# [0,0,3,1]],dtype=np.uint8)]
# generate input patters
BR = rng.integers(0,N,size=(N_g,K,K),dtype=np.uint8)
BR[:len(B_spec)] = B_spec
# some stats
R_comp = [] # number of compatible patterns before third test
R_ann = []
R_rs = []
R_fail = 0 # number of games lost
fail = [] # collect more details about failures here
R_2 = 0
# main loop: every iteration is a game
for j,B,BT in zip(it.count(),
# compute scores against fixed test patterns
S = pp_FL[A,B]
SC = pp_FL[AT,BT]
# store list of compatible patterns
comp2 = np.array([*compat(A,S,SC)])
# retain some stats
if len(comp2) == 1:
print(f"({j}) fixed test patterns sufficient to identify {B}")
R_2 += 1
for restart in range(N_rs):
code,t,X = anneal(S,SC,comp2)
if code:
else: # finished schedule unsuccessfully
R_fail += 1
print(f"({j}) failed to separate {len(comp2)} patterns despite trying"
f" {N_rs} times using {N_ann} cooling steps")
# retain for post mortem