Mastermind is a well-known game. Here's a brief reminder of the rules:
- There's a secret code consisting of a sequence of five colored circles (items). Colors may appear more than once.
- Your job is to figure out the code. You do so by guessing a sequence of five colors and then getting feedback on your guess.
- The feedback consists of a number of black and white markers:
- Black: you receive a black peg for each item of the correct color in the correct place.
- White: of the remaining items, you receive a white peg for each one of a correct color but in the wrong place.
- You receive at most one peg per item of the correct secret code.
- The order of the black and white pegs has no significance
- Example: suppose the secret code is RGGGG. If you guess RRRRR, you will receive 1 black (for the first R) and 0 whites. If you guess GBBBB, you will get 1 white and 0 blacks.
In this puzzle, you have had a few guesses already and are ready to guess again. Can you determine the secret code?