My solution is similar to what others had put in principle but it was slightly different. My sum is:
$$9\times10^{2\times 9} + 8\times10^{2\times 8} + 7\times10^{2\times 7} ... 1\times10^{2\times 1} + 0\times10^{2\times 0} - (9\times 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 +8 \times 10,000,000,000,000,000 + 7 \times 100,000,000,000,000 + ... 1\times 100 + 0) $$
With the logic that, with no changes we're looking at:
$9,080,706,050,403,020,100 - 9,080,706,050,403,020,100$
Lets say Dave changed 2 and 8 so we get:
$$9,020,706,050,403,080,100 - 9,080,706,050,403,020,100 = 0,004,000,000,000,060,000$$ This result makes the two odd ones stick out nicely and you can just use the position of the smaller one and the difference to spot the solution.
Of course there is a difficulty if:
Dave has switched 1, 0 or both because this interferes with our first bit. >! If only 1 is changed then it isn't so hard. Switching 1 and 5 gives:
$$5\times (9,080,706,010,403,020,500 - 9,080,706,050,403,020,100) = 0,000,000,030,000,002,000$$
But we know the positions which have been changed so can still work it out. If 0 was switched with 9 we get
Where the number of 0s at the end will correspond to the number which has been switched with 0. If 1 and 0 are switched you will get 0 (since $1^{0} = 1^{1}$)
I know it looks more complicated but I just preferred the answers coming out without as many other numbers in there.
EDIT: Just realised the question doesn't allow for using powers, so this method doesn't actually work