I recently bought a calculator --- a basic one with these keys:
$\;$AC$\;\,$ %$\,$ sqrt
MRC M- M+$\;$ CE
$\;\;$7$\;\;\,$ $\;$8$\;$ $\;\,$9$\;\,$ $\;$÷$\;$
$\;\;$4$\;\;\,$ $\;$5$\;$ $\;\,$6$\;\,$ $\;$x$\;$
$\;\;$1$\;\;\,$ $\;$2$\;$ $\;\,$3$\;\,$ $\;$-$\;\,$
$\;\;$0$\;\;\,$ $\;$.$\;\,$ $\;\,$=$\;\,$ $\;$+$\;$
The MRC key serves as both Recall and Memory Clear. If you press it after a different key, it copies the memory's contents M into the display D. If you press it twice in a row, it does that then clears the memory.
AC puts 0 into D and clears any ongoing calculation there might have been, but leaves M intact.
Some examples of operations on this calculator, and their results. (AC is pressed before each, to clear any previous calculation.)
9+8x7= 119 (no BODMAS/PEDMAS here!)
4x9sqrt= 12
9+1= 10 4= 5
9-1= 8 4= 3
9x8= 72 7= 63
3x2== 18
6÷2= 3 14= 7
1+2= 3 += 5 += 8 += 13 += 21
9-1= 8 -= -7 -= 15 -= -22 -= 37
8-3=+= 8
8-3=-= -2 = -7
7+5% 7.35
7-5% 6.65
7*5% 0.35
7÷5% 140
MRCMRC9M+ 9 8x7M+ 56 MR 65
If you do two or more operator-key presses in a row, only the last one has any effect:
9x-7= 2
There are a couple of deficiencies in this calculator. For example, it has no "change sign" key. Any decent calculator will have a key (possibly marked +/- or (-) which changes the sign of D, leaving M unchanged.
And although it has M- and M+, it has no "store" key (possibly marked STO or M on other calculators). This would copy D into M, leaving D unchanged. Some calculators with memory even have an "exchange" function, which swaps the values of D and M.
So, on this calculator, in as few strokes as possible,
- How do you do "change sign"?
- How do you do "store"?
- How do you do "exchange"?
? For example, what does8-3=+=
do? $\endgroup$3x2==
do? $\endgroup$