An entry in the 19th fortnightly challenge (language + visual).
All you can think about since your last P.U.Z.Z.L.E. operation, is a well deserved vacation. Fortunately there is currently a prize competition at P.U.Z.Z.L.E., and the first prize is an all-inclusive two week trip to a five-star superior hotel in an unspecified country.
To win, you have to find out which country you will be flying to. The only hints are 4 postcards pinned to a world map in the hallway.
- Before you ask, nothing is missing on the USA postcard.
- A small group of people in each affected country would have an unfair advantage while solving this puzzle.
- Once you found out what the images mean, there are very small hints in the image, which tell, what to do next.
Credits (may contain spoilers or misleading hints):
- Map images were provided by OpenStreetMap.
- Creative Commons licensed images: 1, 2, 3
- Public Domain licensed images from: 1, 2, 3, 4