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11x13 Chocolate Banana Followup

Your goal is to maximize the absolute difference of the numbers marked ?. (? marks indicate region areas. They may or may not ...
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8 votes
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Square Spin #4: Rude Awakening

Square Spin History: #1>#2>#3>#4 New Rule This puzzle introduces a new square type: Lonely squares (Ly) Lonely squares This type of square contains a box and it is the exact opposite of ...
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Square Spin #3: Hickory Dickory Dock

Square Spin History: #1>#2>#3 Recap of the Rules Basic rules from #1 Ambiguity, Un and Re squares from #2 Problem #3: Hickory Dickory Dock The mouse ran up the clock. ...but ...
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Square Spin #2: Climb the Mountain!

Square Spin History: #1>#2 New Rules This puzzle introduces two new square types: Unmovable squares (Un) Replaceable squares (Re) Plus the concept of ambiguity! Ambiguity of squares Certain ...
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20 votes
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Square Spin #1: Sun and Moon

Defining Square Spin Lets play a game! The aim of this game is to transform one image into another using the least amount of moves possible. Here is what a move consists of: ...
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