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5 votes
1 answer

Fix the perpetual machine

Look at this marvelous machine I found in an antique store. My auntie who knows about antiquities tells me they would feed a ribbon between the gears, turn the crank, and it would imprint an endless ...
SlowMagic's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

U cant s0lv th!s haha - who am I?

I got a cryptic (or maybe just junk) message in my inbox today: ...
marsnebulasoup's user avatar
16 votes
1 answer

What should these be called?

On this site, rot13 is often used to encrypt comments so spoilers can be spoken about. Rot13 is a cipher, in which each letter is shifted 13 letters forward (or backward) in the alphabet. There are ...
Beastly Gerbil's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Riley Riddle with a little bit of ciphering

The prefix is a hook, but I removed one part... But it is also locked, and I forgot the key. (Just to share with you all, I am eating a salad with a raspberry vinaigrette.) The infix is my favorite ...
Dranier's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

What about PARIS then?

If in an alternate universe CAMBRIDGE is renamed as AIMRFCJKS, ISTANBUL as ...
srk_cb's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Find out the Phrase using three clues. combination of three words

I am 13 letter Phrase. My first 5 letters is a hobby with playing cards other than playing, Next 4 letters are completed, Last 4 letters are the natural property of a river. What am i?
Kavin Smk's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Simple combination of riddles!

Embedded in me lies the crucial key, don't try too hard to trust all of me. interesting, this riddle I hope you find, these sentence structures, you must not mind. Heed me not, for I leave ...
bolt997's user avatar
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21 votes
3 answers

V for Vendetta - Who am I?

This link here shows how many "Who am I?" riddles we already have on this site. Obviously, there are many of them and they're mostly riddles describing an object in some funny way. On checking the ...
incesterror21's user avatar
7 votes
6 answers

A simple "scientific test..."

I hold every single day, in my lovely picture frame. I look a hundred years old, but I was built on the spot. You might say I'm weak, and I'm four times over the hill. Sometimes I take the elevator ...
Zero Pancakes's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

A humble little symbol riddle

{um} - [] ⼔erized The answer is a common phrase. (Though note that this doesn't mean it's a famous phrase or that it often stands on its own.) If this is too ...
Luke's user avatar
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