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15 votes
1 answer

Arrange ten pawns into ten lines of three

This is not a chess problem! In the following position you can see six pawns that have been arranged into lines of three. Each pawn stands at the intersection of exactly two lines and each line ...
Florian F's user avatar
  • 31.4k
15 votes
3 answers

A missing part of a checkerboard

Fill out the missing part (the grey area) and explain the pattern behind the colors of this $9 \times 9$ checkerboard tiles!
athin's user avatar
  • 34.4k
7 votes
1 answer

Knight's Tour on a 7x7 Board starting from D5

Average Knight's Tour puzzle but this time on a 7x7 and starting from D5
Crocko's user avatar
  • 81
3 votes
1 answer

Row of alternating coin

I stumbled upon a mathematical puzzle that goes like this: You have 2n coins that alternate between head and tail. For example, if n=3, then it looks like H T H T H T, where H = head and T = tail. To ...
Roger123's user avatar