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29 votes
4 answers

Rolling cube on an infinite chessboard

Imagine a six-sided die, D6, the right size to exactly occupy a square on a chessboard. The die can move to any adjacent square, but does so by rolling rather than sliding, so the topmost side of the ...
Laska's user avatar
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3 votes
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Genies' chess on a 10×10 board

The work of Hearth Taxel revealed some other results related to genies' chess. For example, there is an arrangement $A$ of pawns on a 10×10 board such that no 3×3 submatrix is empty and $A$ is ...
Parcly Taxel's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Another Rook's Tour of the Chessboard

Place numbers 1 to 64 in the cells of this 8 x 8 board in such a way that consecutive numbers occupy neighboring cells (either vertically or horizontally). Shaded cells must be occupied by prime ...
Bernardo Recamán Santos's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Eight queens on the chessboard with mirrors

A 8-by-8 chessboard has two mirrors added on its left and right margin. The mirrors reflect the queen moves so that a queen threatens additional squares on the board. A queen threatens all squares in ...
Haobin's user avatar
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42 votes
1 answer

Crippled King Crossing a Canyon

A chess king has been injured in battle against an evil wizard, and can no longer move northeast or southwest. This king is on the North rim of a canyon, and must flee to safety on the South rim. ...
Mike Earnest's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

Generalisation of tours on chessboards

It's well-known that a knight placed on one square of a chessboard can get to any other square, but a bishop can only reach half the squares from a fixed starting point. Another question on this site ...
Rand al'Thor's user avatar
10 votes
6 answers

The Bunny's Tour

The Bunny is a new chess piece. It can move in 2 different ways: Diagonally, but only exactly one space (so like a bishop with the limitations of a king). It can also "Bunny-Hop" over another bunny. ...
warspyking's user avatar
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