I saw this crossword type in a book and decided to make one. It's called an around-the-bend because each word goes... around the bend. I have both the board and the clues as a text file, but I have no idea how to put that in the question.
- Each word goes from left to right on its numbered line, and then continues from right to left on the next line
- #20 wraps back around to #1
Example: If #1 was "depart", then #2 must start with "tra" and #20 must end with "ped". #1 would be entered as DEP in the #1 row and TRA in the #2 row, so if you read #1 left-to-right and then #2 right-to-left it spells "depart"
Fair warning that I am terrible at cluing crosswords. Apologies in advance for the clues. I tried to err on the side of easiness. If you all like these I'll make more, and if anyone is okay with cluing them for me I'd be happy to send over the words. I also couldn't find any good grids for this type so I made my own in Google Drawings.
Note: after I made the images all nice, I realized that #17 has a problem. The clue is in the wrong tense! Once you get #17, add an "ed" to the end.
Happy puzzling!