
My prefix is found in an automobile,
My infix corrects a mistake with mistakes,
My suffix is practice if you're very old.
My whole may be found unexpectedly.


My infix is not spelled correctly.


2 Answers 2


My prefix is found in an automobile

liter - as in units of gasoline. US usage as also in automobile, though gallons would be used.

My infix corrects a mistake with mistakes

eratu - an erratum corrects a mistake and there are two spelling mistakes. Also by the hint.

My suffix is practice if you're very old

ure - an old word for practice

My whole may be found unexpectedly

literature - it is the last word, as a tag, in the riddle.

Title: Read it carefully

literature is read, and carefully as the word appears attached to the question

Second washed-up attempt: My prefix is found in an automobile

water - added to battery acid, radiator coolant and windscreen washer detergent.

My infix corrects a mistake with mistakes

erf - applied to a single measurement (not exact - a mistake) of a normal distribution, gives a range and a probability it lies in range, so corrects a mistake to two mistakes, using mistakes.

My suffix is practice if you're very old.

fall - practice meaning to do often, and old age increases the risk of falling.

My whole may be found unexpectedly.

waterfall- famous ones, such as the Angel Falls, were rediscovered unexpectedly by foreigners.

No explanation of the title or the literature tag, so no high hopes, though the question may get other responses, or a hint.

First failed try: My prefix is found in an automobile,

rev - a turn of the engine

My infix corrects a mistake with mistakes,

revoc - cover up, efforts to fix a mistake, leading to a litany of mistakes

My suffix is practice if you're very old.

vocation - one's life's work, practice being your work

My whole may be found unexpectedly.

revocation - cancellation or calling off something, usually unplanned

Read it carefully

literature tag - :)

I think this answer will be annulled by Rand.

  • 3
    $\begingroup$ Sorry, annulling this answer. The infix in particular is a stretch (although my intended answer is also a bit dodgy in the infix), and also the "found unexpectedly" part. $\endgroup$ Commented Apr 12, 2020 at 13:41
  • $\begingroup$ @Rand - I propose this edit to the question 'My prefix is one found in an automobile, my infix follows a mistake with a more mistakes, my suffix is what the old may have practised, I often am unexpected. ' $\endgroup$
    – Tom
    Commented Apr 12, 2020 at 13:46
  • $\begingroup$ Oh, I hadn't seen your latest edit. That's it! $\endgroup$ Commented Aug 14, 2020 at 15:19

Prefix=Auto ->(auto)mobile infix= S -> Mistake(s) suffix= -> MD (old practice was Medicine from MD) whole=found (maybe :)


  • 2
    $\begingroup$ ... is "autofoundsmd" a word? $\endgroup$ Commented Apr 24, 2020 at 18:27
  • 2
    $\begingroup$ @Randal'Thor I have no idea ... $\endgroup$
    – Glorfindel
    Commented Apr 24, 2020 at 18:29

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