My prefix is not a dub
My infix is a common base
My suffix is a quingenti sub
My whole is a common replace
What am I?
My prefix is not a dub
L for lose - dub is a slang abbreviation for the letter W (double-u) usually for a win.
My infix is a common base
$e$ is the base of the natural logarithm.
My suffix is a quingenti sub
D - 500 in Roman numerals.
My whole is a common replace
LED - light-emitting diode, replacing other light bulbs. Diodes only let electricity flow in one direction.
Could you be
My prefix is not a dub
PRO. One meaning of "dub" is "an inexperienced or unskilful person", and a pro would be the opposite.
My infix is a common base
TEN, a common base for human number systems.
My suffix is a quingenti sub
D, the Roman numeral for 500.
My whole is a common replace
PROTEND seems like a typo for the commoner word PORTEND.
PROTEND means to extend or stretch forth (in one direction).