If you don't know what a teapot riddle is read closely:
The 'teapot' is one word I'm currently searching for.
You have to guess it.
It's always the same word but has different meanings.
First clue:
All of my teapots can be 'strong'
My first teapot grows strong.
My second teapot is designed to be strong.
My third teapot is strong if made right.
Second clue:
My first teapot is really cute, when its young .
My second teapot isnt designed to be cute, but it can be.
My third teapot is technically not cute.
Third clue:
My first teapot is mostly wet.
My second teapot is after movement wet.
My third teapot is technically not wet.
Final clue (makes it reaaally easy):
My first teapot lives in the water, its like a lion there!
My second teapot lives mostly on land, but can be found everywhere!
My second teapot loves also the USA
My third teapot is a magical tool for imprisoning or hiding