My first 'Riley riddle':
My prefix will quench my thirst,
my suffix is fundamentally measured,
my infix is an ancient capital that is treasured.
What am I?
My first 'Riley riddle':
My prefix will quench my thirst,
my suffix is fundamentally measured,
my infix is an ancient capital that is treasured.
What am I?
You are
My prefix will quench my thirst,
Hydro = Water
my suffix is fundamentally measured,
Meter = A fundamental measurement unit
my infix is an ancient capital that is treasured.
Rome = Italy’s capital and used to be a part of an ancient Roman empire.
Very similar to Kevorobin's answer but I think it might actually be
My prefix will quench my thirst,
my suffix is fundamentally measured,
my infix is an ancient capital that is treasured.