We have $20$ coins, every step we can give $10$ coins to a person and he will tell us the order of their weights. Find the minimum number of steps that we can arrange coins according to their weight.
My attempt:I found a method using $5$ steps.
1.Divide the coins to two equal halfs and give one of the halfs to that person.
2.Give the second half to that person.
3.Give $5$ heavy coins from the first step and $5$ heavy coins from the second step to that person.
4.Do the same as third step but this time use the $5$ light coins of step $1$,$2$
5.Give $5$ light coins from the third step and $5$ heavy coins from the forth step to that person.
This is a copy of this one.
According to the answer of @Aryabhata the above algorithm works. Now I need a proof for showing $5$ steps is the minimum desired. Any way I copy @Aryabhata's answer here:
For a proof that your procedure works:
Let the result of steps 1 and 2 be
$$A_1 \ge A_2 \ge \dots \ge A_{10}$$
$$B_1 \ge B_2 \ge \dots \ge B_{10}$$
The result of step 3 will be some permutation of
$$A_1, A_2, \dots, A_5, B_1, B_2, \dots, B_5$$
The result of step 4 will be some permutation of
$$A_6, A_7, \dots, A_{10}, B_6, B_7, \dots, B_{10}$$
If $B_j$ was the lightest of the heaviest 5 coins from step $3$, then it is easy to see that $j \le 5$: The 5 heaviest are $A_1, A_2, \dots, > A_{5-j}, B_1, B_2, B_j$
Similarly if $B_k$ was the heaviest of the lightest 5 from step 4, then $k \ge 6$.
Thus you have a partition by weight
Heaviest in step $3$ $\ge$ Lightest $5$ in step $3$, Heaviest $5$ in step $4$ $\ge$ Lightest 5 in step 4
You step 5 now sorts the middle portion and brings everything in order.
Math SE copy is here and AOPS copy is here.
Source:Second round Iranian olympiad of informatics.